Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Chartism free essay sample

This paper looks at the impact of Chartism on the political world of Britain in the 19th century a movement to change the political system. The political structure of nineteenth century Britain is explored with the backdrop of Chartism. This movement is examined for its effectiveness in achieving the change it desired. The aims and objectives are discussed the working and social conditions of the lower classes focusing on the miners and factory workers. The immediate impact of Chartism was the emergence of a movement by radicals and the working class to improve and change the political system, because they wanted to their economic, living and political aspirations. The Reform Act 1832 had failed to satisfy the working class, hope had been given that political reform would bring good changes for all. Unfortunately the working classes were not given the vote, it was merely extended to the middle class who could now have a say in the election of MPs and parliamentary seats distributed more evenly. We will write a custom essay sample on Chartism or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Because the working class didnt own properties to the value of 10 (this was the requirement for men to vote), they were still alienated from the political system.

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