Friday, December 27, 2019

Human Resource Management And Labor Relations - 951 Words

Name: Priyal Patel Course name: Human Resource Management and Labor Relations in the Aviation and Transportation Course number: 47-506-01-FA15 Human resource management in Aviation:Recruting and selection. Abstract The commercial aviation industry is safety-sensitive, high technology and extremely competitive service industry. The implications are vast and pervasive affecting no less than the organisation’s strategy, culture, and numerous operational activities. Responsibilities of human resources departments within aviation organisations and the skills of human resources personnel. HRM expertise in general and recruitment and selection as well as diversity and equal opportunity in particular are required now, more than ever, to spearhead the strategic development of a customer-centric,learning-oriented workforce that is capable of adapting quickly to the strategic goals and change imperatives facing the airline industry. INTRODUCTION Two fundamental strategy are in aviation and airline industry since the beginning of aviation industry.One.concern of safety, and two, anever-increasing consumer expectation of broad service choice and service excellence. Research has long shown that accidents and poor service qualityare primarily rooted in socio-technical human factors, not technology.Sub-optimisation, or poor quality in regards to management, decision making,teamwork, employee motivation, or communication can translateinto loss ofShow MoreRelatedMicrosofts Human Resource Management Strategy679 Words   |  3 Pagesï » ¿Microsoft CORPORATION HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Company Profile: Microsoft Corporation Importance of Strategic Human Resource Management Talent Management Strategies Compensation and benefit packages for employees Policies and practices for Labor relations management Comparison with the Competitors Conclusion OBJECTIVES OF THE HRM STRATEGY To design effective talent management strategies; including recruitment and selection, motivation and retention, performanceRead Moreâ€Å"Industrial Relations† and â€Å"Human Resource Management† Essay1459 Words   |  6 PagesCompare and Contrast â€Å"Industrial Relations† and â€Å"Human Resource Management† With the rapid pace of globalization, economic development and the more fierce competition among enterprises, the environment of employment is becoming more and more complex than in the past. The companies, no matter private or state-owned ones, have realized the significance of human resources which is the source of social wealth and plays a decisive role in its creation. The essay is concerned about comparing and contrastingRead MoreThe History of Human Resource Management1460 Words   |  6 PagesThe History of Human Resource Management Human resource management  (HRM, or simply  HR) is the  management  of an  organizations  workforce, or  human resources. It is responsible for the  attraction,  selection,  training,  assessment, and  rewarding  of employees, while also overseeing organizational leadership  and  culture, and ensuring compliance with  employment and labor laws. 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Discussion Padi-cepat a Malaysian company faced lots of international human resource management challenges they are: National culture, expatriate adjustment, function and assignment failures, workforce diversity and labor relations, public infrastructure, health and lifestyle. National culture Multinational companies consider the cultureRead MoreIndustrial Relations to Human Resource Management: Disparity and Similarity781 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction Human resources are the main drivers for today’s organization in managing employees as strategic plan as company’s objective (Haslinda 2009). Variety notion related with theory, perceptivity and understanding of human resource evolution from Industrial Relations (IR) tradition to Human Resource Management (HRM) has transpired to the present day. 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Therefore, human resources management is done in all type of organizations. Profound management of people is equally indispensable in success of organizations as the sound management of production, finance, and other operations. The human resource management field postulates the infinite diversity of people and their dynamics (McKenzie Traynor, 2002). To get into thisRead MoreThe Importance of Labor Relations and Human Resource Practices: Macys Inc Case Analysis1755 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿Labor relations are a very critical component to the underlying business processes of a company. Through my interview, I gained a new prospective of the Human resource department , and how it functions relative to others departments within the corporation. Through my interview, I also gained insight into many of the common myths and misconceptions regarding the labor relations and human resource function. This insight was particular helpful in regards to the retail industry. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Policy Evaluation As The Final Process Of Policy Making

Last but certainly not least comes policy evaluation as the final process of policy making. In the policy evaluation process, institutions, organizations or in this case, the government concludes whether the policy implemented was successful in achieving its primary goal. The policy evaluation stage differs from the previous policy stages because the institution, organization or government tries to reassess whether the policy in placed worked or not. This gives the government, institution, or organization an opportunity to determine if the policy is working, and if not, what can be done in order to fix it. Once the policy has been evaluated, and it has been determined the current policy has not been functioning the way it was designed, it†¦show more content†¦Next comes effectiveness evaluation. While efficiency is more on the input and out, effectiveness evaluation is more based on the achievements made since the policy has been implemented. Following efficiency comes adequ acy. Adequacy is often evaluated if we should augment the policy to become more operational. Finishing up with equity, equity is evaluating if there is equally within the policy. Often times, certain policies might favor a certain gender. For example, when researching diseases only done on males. We are only furthering the advancement of our understanding of the male body, but not of the female body. It is difficult at times to make it fair for everyone, but it this is why steps are still taken as a precaution. There are three types of goals containing primary, secondary and tertiary goals. Primary goal is the main objective of the policy or the main purpose of the policy. Secondary goals is the other goals that noted and produce from the policy, not the primary reason of why the policy was created. Tertiary goal is the unintended consequences, often unknown at the time the policy was in place. The consequences from the tertiary goals can be either positive or negative. â€Å"When the goals of a policy are unclear, diffuse, or diverse, as they frequently are, determining the extent to which they have been attained become a difficult and frustrating task† (Anderson, 2011, 307). If the goals are

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Chartism free essay sample

This paper looks at the impact of Chartism on the political world of Britain in the 19th century a movement to change the political system. The political structure of nineteenth century Britain is explored with the backdrop of Chartism. This movement is examined for its effectiveness in achieving the change it desired. The aims and objectives are discussed the working and social conditions of the lower classes focusing on the miners and factory workers. The immediate impact of Chartism was the emergence of a movement by radicals and the working class to improve and change the political system, because they wanted to their economic, living and political aspirations. The Reform Act 1832 had failed to satisfy the working class, hope had been given that political reform would bring good changes for all. Unfortunately the working classes were not given the vote, it was merely extended to the middle class who could now have a say in the election of MPs and parliamentary seats distributed more evenly. We will write a custom essay sample on Chartism or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Because the working class didnt own properties to the value of 10 (this was the requirement for men to vote), they were still alienated from the political system.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Quality Vs Old Fasion Essays - Videotape, Consumer Electronics

Quality Vs Old Fasion Quality vs. Old Fashion With the introduction of DVD technology, VHS videotapes are eventually going to be put out of production. Just like compact disks have taken over cassette tapes. Although cassette tapes are still being produced, they are not as popular as they were during the late 70s and early 80s. There are different aspects between a DVD and a VHS movie that include picture quality, sound quality, and special features that were not in the theater version. The first thing someone will notice when watching a DVD movie is the Significantly better video quality than standard VHS. The picture is more crisp and clear than it is on a VHS. This is because DVDs are made from digital technology. Some DVDs offer a wide screen version or a formatted screen version of the movie. The difference between the two is that the formatted screen version is cropped and fits a television screen. The wide screen version is the version that is played at the movie theater. More of the picture can be viewed with the wide screen version than the formatted version, but there are two black bars at the top and bottom of the screen that have to be ignored while watching the movie. Another difference between the two concerning picture quality is the tracking feature on VHS. This is not a feature on a DVD. As long as the disk is in good condition there will be no locked or chattered images (DVD vs. Video Tape, home page). The next noticeable difference between DVD and VHS is the sound quality. The sound quality on DVD is very clear. Whereas a VHS will have some static in the sound. Some companies include a surround sound feature called Dolby Surround Sound. Those who have a home entertainment system can take advantage of this feature. Although the feature is still noticed without an entertainment system. The surround sound feature on a DVD will have better quality than a VHS. Someone could be satisfied with the VHS surround sound quality, but the static that would not be on a DVD video will still be there. One of the most magnificent features of a DVD is the special features screen. Different options can be selected from the special features screen on a DVD that you would not find on a VHS. More information can be learned about the film with the special features. Features like out takes, soundtrack video, the making of the movie, choice between different languages, and various other options. Some VHS videos may have out takes and other features at the end of the movie, but then there is the inconvenience of having to fast forward to the end of the movie just to view them. With a DVD you can simply choose the option and go right to the selection. Another feature of a DVD is the not having to rewind feature. You still have the rewind button so you can search through the movie, but you dont have to rewind the movie when its over. In conclusion, DVDs may cost a little more than VHS videotapes, but it will be worth the extra couple of dollars. When you buy a DVD you are buying a better quality of the movie than you would get with a VHS tape. DVDs have more features to offer, better picture quality, and better sound quality. With this said, why would anyone still decide to buy a VHS tape? Works Cited Cisco Inc. DVD vs. Video Tape. Todds DVD Page. (17 February 2001) ** English Essays